Dive down to the ocean’s deepest depths in this dark blue seersucker featuring a society of sea creatures both real and imagined (or ARE they?), from majestic mermaids to Loch Ness monsters, to that creepy looking fish swimming towards us with the lightbulb thing hanging from its head and why is it opening its mouth... NOOOOOO!!! Whew, glowing narwhal saved us. That was close. Thanks Mr. Narwhal.
Fast shipping. Good deal
As a huge Cruz fan, I am completely in love with this bag! I can’t wait to use it!
Mystery box included a shirt I didn’t have! Great pull people!
I’m not usually one to buy wallets, but I couldn’t pass this one up. Zach Morris’ cell phone is a classic
Love EVERYTHING about this bag! So unique. One of time favorite shows as a kid was Saved by the Bell